Status update Covid-19
Fluid-Bag is continuously monitoring the evolving situation around the spreading of the Coronavirus and remains committed to mitigating any potential impact on the supply chains and operations of our customers.
Currently Fluid-Bag sees no obstacles for continued safe supply to and from our factory. Our production and deliveries are running normally.
Access to raw material and components
For critical components and raw materials, Fluid-Bag has verified and confirmed that we have a good stock level of components and raw material readily available from our most important suppliers. We are in continuous contact with our key suppliers regarding the situation in their supply chain, and currently our suppliers do not foresee any risk of raw material shortages.
Delivery times, transports arranged by Fluid-Bag
Fluid-Bag uses several different shipping companies for deliveries, and we receive continuous updates on their time schedules and on any changes in their service. Currently we are not experiencing any issues or delays. We check the ETA for deliveries and inform our customers about the time schedule by e-mail. If we get information about any delays or changes, we immediately inform the customer.
Many of Fluid-Bag’s customers have sent their own statements and special instructions on how goods is currently received and handled at their facilities. We continuously forward this information to our logistic partners to ensure that their drivers and staff comply with the regulations at the receiving facility. In some cases, our shipping partners have informed us that slight delays might occur, due to stricter safety and hygiene protocols at customer sites.
For incoming and outgoing deliveries at Fluid-Bag, truck drivers are instructed to stay in their vehicles during loading or unloading, to avoid contact with external people.
Health risks
As Fluid-Bag manufactures and delivers packaging to the food and pharmaceutical industries, we already have stringent health and safety procedures in place. Fluid-Bag is certified according to FSSC 22000 (Food Safety Management) and follows HACCP procedures (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). Staff must always stay at home in case of illness or any symptoms that could cause risk of infection and contamination. As additional precaution, the work shifts in the production now have a 15-minute buffer time between shifts to minimize contact between operators in different shifts. Employees are also trained to multitasking, meaning that they can perform several of the work steps in the production process, which makes us less vulnerable to possible absence in the production.
In addition to this, Fluid-Bag has increased the cleaning frequency of the facilities and strongly underline the importance of hygiene at the workplace.
General directives
Fluid-Bag also restricts travelling for all our staff, we do not receive any external visits to our manufacturing plant, and we encourage staff to work remotely when possible.
For more information, please get in touch with us: