
New distributors in India and Spain

Facebook distributorsNew distributor agreements with Neste Biztech Solutions in India and Drilco in Spain

Neste Biztech Solutions is active in the automotive and lubricant industries but also in other relevant business segments such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The company is located in Pune, Maharashtra in Western India.

Veda Sourcing Solutions (Associate Company of Neste Biztech Solutions) also has a long-term collaboration with Fluid-Bag's parent company Solving, distributing Solving products in India.

Drilco, S.L. is a family owned company that was stablished in 1981 in Madrid (Spain). Drilco represents various leading companies with industrial products such as machinery, equipment, software and systems. Its continued collaboration with Solving, promoting their heavy load handling systems in Spain, has been very profitable. Fluid-Bag is the latest addition to Drilco’s portfolio.

Drilco’s typical markets include: Aerospace, MVI (car manufacturers, OEMs, integrators etc.), electrical companies as well as general industries. 
Read more about Drilco on www.drilco.net

We look forward to fruitful collaborations with Drilco and Neste Biztech Solutions!



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