
New discharging innovation for lubricants launched

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The TAU XTRACTOR™ uses a completely new method for discharging grease from Fluid-Bag’s flexible containers with benefits optimized for demanding heavy-duty work environments.

Exceptionally strong and sturdy, it can withstand harsh treatment in the maintenance area of a mine or a steel plant. The device grips the inner container of the Fluid-Bag, twists it with great strength and forces out all the grease, leaving down to 1% residue in the bag.

For more information:

Read more on our website: TAU XTRACTOR

Download press-release: Sturdy & Strong, TAU XTRACTOR

Contact us:

Henrik Kass
Sales Manager Lubricants
Tel. +358 20 779 0449
E-mail: henrik.kass@fluid-bag.com

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